Eucalyptus Essential Oil 10ml by Utama Spice



Eucalyptus essential oil comes from the fresh leaves of the Evergreen eucalyptus tree and is widely used for its powerful benefits. Traditionally used to treat respiratory infections including coughs, colds, obstruction of the respiratory tract, bronchitis, and sinusitis, eucalyptus oil is a powerful expectorant and laxative.
When added to shampoo, it can increase blood flow to the scalp, increase hair growth and prevent dandruff and psoriasis. As a mental stimulant, eucalyptus oil can reduce mental fatigue, reduce stress, and improve overall brain function. A natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic, it can be used to reduce fever, relieve headaches, and relieve sore muscles.
• Functions as medicine, with herbal aroma.
• Expectorant and respiratory tract relaxant.
• Improves brain function.

How to use :
Add 20 drops EO to 5ml carrier oil to use as parfume.