Wild Caught Grouper Fillet Approx 200gr by Bali Sustainable Seafood



What differentiates us is that we always educate fishermen on how to fish and how to store fish after being hooked, we also catch fish or receive fish from fishermen not haphazardly, we measure and weigh the fish we receive and if the size is still too small or below the sustainable size, we will reject it or return it, that is our small form of caring about the environment and our small form of helping the government protect nature.

BPOM : Fresh Product
Origen : Wes Nusa Tenggara, Sumbawa
Company : Bali Sustainable Seafood was founded in 2017 with a vision and mission, we not only do business but also strive to care for the environment, especially the sea, in what way? By educating fishermen on the correct way to fish, which is safe and certainly does not damage nature, and of course we also buy fish from local fishermen to help the local economy.
Qualities : Natural
Storage Instructions : Freezer
Shelf Life : 3 monts
Company Website/Instagram : balisustainableseafood.com